pkgsrc による設置
apache 版
postgres (1)
  php4-pgsql (3)
    make install
php4 (apache1)
    php4 の版
php4(apache2) - 依存関係
    php4 i18n 無
    php4 i18n
  php3 互換モード
  php4 内蔵
  php4 + phplib
PostgreSQL 準備
  postmaster 設定
  postmaster の起動
  psql \h
  psql \?
  psql \h select
  psql \d
  psql \copy
  psql 操作
  Data Type
    pgpost 設置例
    psql で見る
      create table
  pgimage psql
    undefined pg_connect()
    Link-ID == false
    Call-time pass-by-reference
    Undefined session_adapt_flush
    Failed opening for inclusion
  does not exist in ..
  pg_exec() query failed
  Undefined property: Port
  undefined function: preg_match()
  used in non-rule query

PostgreSQL + Apache + PHP4 | PHP4 programming

psql \?

test=# \?
 \a             toggle between unaligned and aligned mode
 \c[onnect] [dbname|- [user]]
                connect to new database (currently 'test')
 \C <title>     table title
 \copy ...      perform SQL COPY with data stream to the client machineL
 \copyright     show PostgreSQL usage and distribution terms
 \d <table>     describe table (or view, index, sequence)
 \d{t|i|s|v}    list tables/indices/sequences/views
 \d{p|S|l}      list permissions/system tables/lobjects
 \da            list aggregates
 \dd [object]   list comment for table, type, function, or operator
 \df            list functions
 \do            list operators
 \dT            list data types
 \e [file]      edit the current query buffer or [file] with external editor
 \echo <text>   write text to stdout
 \encoding <encoding>  set client encoding
 \f <sep>       change field separator
 \g [file]      send query to backend (and results in [file] or |pipe)
 \h [cmd]       help on syntax of sql commands, * for all commands
 \H             toggle HTML mode (currently off)
 \i <file>      read and execute queries from <file>
 \l             list all databases
 \lo_export, \lo_import, \lo_list, \lo_unlink
                large object operations
 \o [file]      send all query results to [file], or |pipe
 \p             show the content of the current query buffer
 \pset <opt>    set table output  <opt> = {format|border|expanded|fieldsep|
 \q             quit psql
 \qecho <text>  write text to query output stream (see \o)
 \r             reset (clear) the query buffer
 \s [file]      print history or save it in [file]
 \set <var> <value>  set internal variable
 \t             show only rows (currently off)
 \T <tags>      HTML table tags
 \unset <var>   unset (delete) internal variable
 \w <file>      write current query buffer to a <file>
 \x             toggle expanded output (currently off)
 \z             list table access permissions
 \! [cmd]       shell escape or command
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Last Update: Fri, 03 May 2019 15:45:20 GMT 1.66 2008/03/08